A documentary film focused on the life and work of Marion Rosen, P.T, a pioneer in the field of somatic therapy and the founder of Rosen Method – an internationally known therapeutic discipline that supports emotional and physical recovery from stress, injury and trauma.
Marion Rosen is a respected leader frequently mentioned alongside other innovators of Western body-oriented disciplines such as Moshe Feldenkrais (Feldenkrais Method), F.M. Alexander (Alexander Technique) and Milton Trager (Trager Approach). Marion’s journey coincides with some of the most influential events in the 20th century. She grew up as a German Jew during the rise of the Third Reich, trained in body therapy in Munich, escaped to Sweden after Kristallnacht, and immigrated to America by way of the Soviet Union and Japan just before Pearl Harbor. She worked for Kaiser as a physiotherapist in the Richmond shipyards and received further training at the Mayo Clinic during World War II. As the film unfolds, the narrative reveals how these and other significant influences affected Marion and the emergence of Rosen Method in Oakland.
In recent years researchers in psychophysiology and neurobiology have developed increasing interest in Rosen Method, including studies at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden and at the University of Utah under an NIH grant designed to explore the efficacy of Rosen Method for clients with chronic pain. The film records and preserves these developments as they take place, during a critical intersection in time while Marion reflects in her final years upon her life’s work, and as the academy begins to re-contextualize her contribution within contemporary scientific disciplines and research.