Last Day of Freedom is an animated documentary film (32 min, 2015) directed and produced by Dee Hibbert-‐Jones & Nomi Talisman. It is a ‘stand-alone’ film, selected from all interviews held for Living Condition.
When Bill Babbitt realizes his brother Manny has committed a crime he agonizes over his decision- should he call the police? Last Day of Freedom, a richly animated personal narrative, tells the story of Bill’s decision to stand by his brother in the face of war, crime and capital punishment. The film is a portrait of a man at the nexus of the most pressing social issues of our day – veterans’ care, mental health access and criminal justice
Last Day of Freedom premiered at Full Frame Documentary Film Festival (Durham NC) where it won both Best Short Jury Award and The Center for Documentary Studies Filmmaker Award, and is currently playing in festivals internationally. The film also won Justice For All Impact Award at (In)justice For All Festival (Chicago, IL) and Best Short Audience Award at SF Doc Fest.
Living Condition is an animated documentary that tells the stories of three families living in close proximity to capital punishment. Living Condition describes capital punishment from three perspectives: from a family who lives with the loss of an executed brother, a second family whose son was wrongfully accused of a capital crime and released under complex circumstances, and a third fighting to prove innocence, while visiting their loved one on Death Row. Living Condition uses the language of graphic novels and animation to tell these families stories in their own words. Told through the eyes of family members innocent of any crime, facing extraordinary circumstances, judgments and challenges, the film is a vehicle for experiences and emotions rarely understood outside of these families.
• Below is a mock-up / sketch for the interactive platform
Living Condition is supported by grants from The San Francisco Arts Commission, Creative Work Fund, The Center for Cultural Innovation, Cal Humanities, Pacific Pioneer Fund, Left Tilt Fund, University of CA, Santa Cruz, UCIRA, MacDowell Colony, a residency and award from Yerba Buena center for the Arts, San Francisco, and a MediaMaker Fellowship at BAVC (Bay Area Video Coalition), as well as individual supporters.
Last Day of Freedom website
Living Condition Facebook page
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